Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fifth Amendment

Constitutional Connection: Article 1, The Legislative Branch, Section1
"The Fifth Amendment (Amendment V) to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, protects against abuse of government authority in a legal procedure.

Analysis of the Connection:

This picture sends the message  that she isn't going to say nothing that would incriminate herself or anything that could be used against her in the court of law. She's holding a balanced scale because  its a symbol of how the 3 branches equally being balanced with power. The blindfold is for  a symbol of the person being tricked of forced to say or do something that could get you in trouble with the law.

This picture clearly shows Article 1, Section 1 of the U.S Constitution. This picture demonstrates a girl blindfolded holding a scale that is balanced saying in a strong, confident voice " I REFUSE TO ANSWER ON THE GROUNDS THAT I GIVE ANSWERS WOULD INCRIMINATE ME FOR OBSTRUCTION OF MYSELF!" This law protects your rights and the abuse of the government and from others. this is someone taking a stand against saying something that could incriminate you based on how it was said.

I couldn't imagine not having this law because it protests us from things that are said that you could be incriminated for. Without this law we would I have to answer questions to anyone  even if it could possibly get us in trouble. I agree with the message this picture is sending. For example, if  someone was interrogating me
about someone being tripped down the stairs I could say I plead i fifth.

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